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Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's this?

     Six years ago, I thought I knew everything there was to know. Now I am 24yrs and I've come with terms with how very little I know. I have to confess that at 17, I thought I knew everything. I won't even start going through all the different fields like science, math, astronomy, theology and philosophy or the other numerous fields out there, each with its own experts. But that's not why I decided to start a blog. My reason is simply; TRUTH The more I wanted to know, the more I became concerned with that simple word. I, like many young people had ambitions beyond description. I simply wanted to be the best. The problem I ran into is that what one person would describe as best, another wouldn't. My best may not be your best. So a problem for me was what then should I aspire to be the best in? I was open and had many great people in my life who spoke towards that same thing. 
    After a restlessness that couldn't be overcome with anything, I found myself on a Wednesday evening in a Catholic Church. I was met by a lady in the hall who seemed very peaceful and I proceeded to ask her what was going on inside. After she asked me whether I was a Catholic, she explained that they were having adoration, and although I had been raised a Catholic, I wasn't sure what that was. When I entered however, I remembered having seen something like that in my growing up, where inside a most beautiful golden monstrance, they had Jesus exposed in the sacrament. Without much understanding, I knelt in imitation of the other people there and started praying. For the first time in a long time, I felt not only the greatest peace, but I also felt a certain surety that I had entered into the presence of God. Ever since that day, I couldn't stop going back Wednesday after Wednesday. I felt a certain pull towards what I had come across that evening. Now a few years later, I understand more what had started that Wednesday evening. I had met Jesus that evening but in a very special way. But what did that mean?
He answered in those words He spoke 2000 yrs ago, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," or again "know the truth and the truth shall set you Free, or "you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it." I guess you see where I am going. Yes a few years later, I am convinced that Jesus is the Truth and life, knowing Him will set you Free, and His Church is where he left the treasurer of the road map of how to enter into that depth with him. But still why a blog? its simple, I wish to share that truth and free those countless souls who either; (i) are devoid of the truth and go about in bondage and restlessness but not knowing what ails them, (ii) know the truth, but have not engaged it or have it partially and also do not know what ails them, (iii) know the truth, are living it but do not know the fullness of it in the Catholic Church.
   I haven't arrived by any means, and that brings me back to my struggle with what it means to be the best. Since then, I found a new set of heroes. Those heroes are the saints. I found out that these were regular people; some rich some poor, some educated and some non educated, some kings and others beggars, some priests and others married, yes from different backgrounds, but they all understood what it means to be the best. It's simply this; to be holy. They get from the Master what he said "Be perfect as my heavenly Father is perfect."  I now understand what life is all about. being holy is becoming who you were meant to be, and it begins exactly where you are. But now that you know why I started this blog to share that Truth that is Jesus, the freedom that he promises and His Church, tell me about yourself and how you relate to truth, freedom  and the Catholic church.


  1. Way to go brother. Glad to see that your quest to communicate a much needed truth has become a reality. I pray for God's grace and wisdom to be bestowed unto you. Iam proud of you. CGM

  2. James, It has been quite sometime since I can remember of such a young and great mind whose religion was as less an abstract theory and as much a love affair! Kudos, Dennis


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